Hear The Men was made for those with an open mind to get a quick run down of factual problems facing men today. It is currently focused on the USA as that's where I live and have the most understanding of.
I've brought it to github to be open source, allowing anyone to suggest contributions or to fact check and make sure all information is accurate.
The goal of Hear The Men is to help. Not to tear down other movements, not to dismiss other issues affecting different groups, but to acknowledge these problems and promote conversation around them in a well meaning manner.
I hope to turn it into a non profit one day to fund studies, especially related to violent crimes like homicides where men are greatly overrepresented as both victims and perpetrators. As well as suicides. Finding ways to reduce these through focusing on the largest group doing it may lead to discoveries to make the world better for everyone.
For now in this stage of Hear The Men it is about identifying the problems and providing evidence they really exist. We also must find ways to talk about these issues respectfully and without dismissing others. In the future we can work to come up with ways to address them together.
We will tolerate no hateful contributions, no dismissive language, or anything that is ill intentioned. It is already hard to get past the misogynistic crowd who only mention men's issues when it comes to dismissing women's issues. That is not what this is about and never will be. Everyone has issues and all of them are worth hearing about and addressing, regardless of gender, race, origin, etc.